Bateria 5000mAh com frio?

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    O frio pode alterar a qualidade de funcionamento de uma bateria lipo?

    Hoje em Campos do Jordão, com termômetro marcando 6º tentei voar meu quad, testando todas as baterias que tenho, todas com carga máxima, mas o quad estava sem potência, levantou alguns metros somente.

    Tem alguma relação ou “nadavê?

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    Existe até lipo heater justamente para esse tipo de situação.

    Vou ver se acho o tópico (gringo) onde falam justamente sobre isso.

    Manda no google que vc acha algo.

    (Lipo batteries function via a chemical reaction that occurs inside their sealed foil envelopes. Providing power is a chemical
    reaction, while the aging/degrading process is another chemical reaction. If you remember back to high school chemistry, a
    chemical reaction doubles its speed for every ten degrees increase of ambient temperature. This is why lipos don?t perform
    as well in cold weather. The cold ?slows down? the chemical reaction process. But this fact can work in our favor when it
    comes to lipo storage. Reducing the storage temperature slows the chemical reaction of the aging/degrading process. There
    is a limit as to how cold is OK. Lipos don?t want to be frozen solid, but keeping them cool during storage is most certainly in
    our favor. It turns out the typically household refrigerator (37 to 40 degrees) is the perfect storage place.
    Put lipos in plastic zip top storage bags and place them in the fridge when not in use. When you take them out leave them in
    the bags, to prevent any atmospheric moisture from condensing on them as they warm. After they?re at room temperature, as them as you normally would)


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